No matter if you’re aiming to make it big in cybersport or not, having good aim isn’t enough to play at a high level for fun and win. What can I do to become a better player and increase my winning percentage? Our strategy guide for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, of course! Alright, I’ll have a look.
- Your primary goal should be to eliminate two hundred or three hundred bots every session. There is no use in rushing into battle before you are really awake. Keep in mind the correct mouse grip, how to react to enemies, and practice with bots. Every professional club follows this protocol before each game.
- Determine the optimal level of sensitivity for your mouse. You don’t need to spend half an hour dragging the mouse to change the trajectory by five degrees. On the other hand, a little mouse click shouldn’t result in a complete about-face. The recommended beginning settings for in-game sensitivity are 2.0, 1000 Hz, and 400 DPI. The manual provides in-depth instructions on how to change the settings and menu.
- There may be a volume equalisation option in Windows’ sound settings. The outcome will be a reduction in ambient noise and an increase in your ability to hear distant enemies.
- Acquire a handful of maps that you find particularly satisfying to use. Just a few examples include de_dust_2, de_inferno, de_mirage, and de_overpass. Be well-versed in the basics of offensive and defensive tactics, as well as smoke grenades, so you can effortlessly guide your colleagues. The best approach to learning strategy is to watch professional players play other games. Identify the broken components and remove them.
- Everything is based on action. It was probably the wisest advice I’ve ever received. Watch how professional or big league players walk around (on Faceit, for example). According to protocol, there should be minimal unnecessary movements, abrupt strafes, and sudden peaks. Your ability to rise through the ranks is proportionate to how fast you master your own movement.
If you’re learning spray patterns, how can you make your aim better? Elementary. Launch the Steam Workshop and launch any community map. One of the best maps is Recoil Master-Spray Training. Once you’re ready, grab your weapon of choice, hit the wall, and enter sv cheats 1 and sv limitless ammo 1 into the console. As you fire bullets in different orders in CS2, the spray on the wall changes, and the recoil is controlled by the bullets.
Another option for practicing recoil control is to join a headshot-only deathmatch server, which provides a fast-paced environment ideal for skill development.
Find anything else in the game that isn’t in burst-fire mode. Remember that, with the exception of AWP, all weapons necessitate incredibly rapid and accurate headshots. On top of that, a burst fire will do nothing more than severely hinder you here. Use spray or fire only one round at a time with a famas; a glock’s single-shot rate of fire is faster and more accurate.