The ability to simply and freely adjust the game’s settings is one of Counter-Strike’s key features. Players customise their configurations by writing them. Additionally, you should definitely import your CS:GO settings into CS2 in preparation for the upcoming new games. It’s in the realm of possibility. Find easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions on BUYCSGORANK’s blog for how to transfer CS:GO config to CS2.
The topics covered in these instructions are:
1. Where to Find the CS:GO Configuration File
2. Locating the CS2 Configuration Files
3. Addressing CS2 Movement Problems
4. Setting Up Your CS:GO Config in CS2
Where is the CS:GO cfg file? How to get to the CS:GO config file
Make a duplicate of your CS:GO configuration file. Your Steam folder is where you’ll find it when you play a Steam game. The typical default CS:GO configuration path looks like this:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\ > YOUR STEAM ID < \730\local\cfg
Where is the CS2 cfg file?
The CS:GO folder is where you’ll find the CS2 configuration files. Specifically, the game folder, and not userdata. However, this might alter upon the game’s complete release. For that reason, it’s a good idea to save a backup of your personal CS:GO configuration. If you want to access the CS2 settings, visit the following folder:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\cfg
Problems with keybinds could arise if you just copy and paste your CS:GO settings into CS2, as the two games use distinct code instructions. Issues with walking, mouse controls, and player movement may result from this. You can fix this by making changes to your CS:GO settings in a dedicated.cfg file. As an example, you may call it “move_prosettingsgg.cfg.” Get Notepad or another text editor and open it. Then, type in these commands:
bind “X_AXIS” “rightleft”
bind “Y_AXIS” “!forwardback”
bind “MOUSE_X” “yaw”
bind “MOUSE_Y” “pitch”
bind “U_AXIS” “yaw”
bind “R_AXIS” “pitch”
bind “a” “+left”
bind “s” “+back”
bind “d” “+right”
bind “w” “+forward”
bind “shift” “+sprint”
How to make your CS:GO config work in CS2
Launch CS:GO, then use the default “~” key to access the console in order to finish migrating your configuration to CS2. Make sure the Developer Console is turned on in the game’s settings and that you can open it by logging into the control panel. If that doesn’t work, try changing the shortcut key. Make sure you’ve checked the language settings on your keyboard as well.
Use the “exec” command on the console to run your CS:GO setup. To execute this command, just copy and paste it.
To begin, open the terminal and run the exec command to launch your CS:GO configuration. The activation key is just the text we’ve provided below, which you can copy and paste. This is the way the command would appear:
exec buycsgorank.cfg
exec fix_buycsgorank.cfg
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